第7回 国際ダイヤモンドシンポジウム 

7th International Mini-Symposium on Diamond Electrochemistry
21st Century COE KEIO-LCC International Symposium


The diamond electrochemistry mini-symposia organized by Professor Akira Fujishima (Chairman of Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology) are held at Tokyo every year starting from 1997 with the aim of covering the latest developments in this field. The symposia included mainly basic electrochemistry, biosensors of diamond electrodes. However, this 7th symposium will include not only diamond electrochemistry but also carbon related materials, composite materials, next generation fuel cell systems, novel electrode materials. These topics will be discussed in oral presentations, in short oral presentations and in poster session.
Although this symposium is mainly supported by NEDO international joint research program, “Electrochemical Application of Conductive Diamond Electrodes” (Leader: Prof. A. Fujishima), 21st Century COE KEIO-LCC (Life-Conjugated Chemistry) program (Leader: Prof. H. Kawaguchi) also supports the organization of this symposium.



アクセス  →矢上キャンパス詳細マップ

3月30日9:00〜18:00 口頭発表・ポスターショートプレゼン・ポスター発表
3月31日9:00〜12:20 口頭発表







ポスターセッションでご発表くださる方々にも、1件3分程度のショートプレゼンテーションをお願いしております。短い時間での交代ということもあり、トラブルを避けるため、ひとつのパソコンに発表者全員のファイルをあらかじめスタンバイしておくという形をとりたいと存じます。つきましては、大変恐縮ですが、ご発表のスライドにつきましては、Power Point によるファイル(2−3ページ)にてご準備いただき、そのファイルを遅くとも3月26日(金)までに栄長までメール添付などでお送りいただきたく存じます。ただし、ファイルサイズが大きいなど、メールによる添付書類では送付できない方は、CDなどで栄長宛ご郵送いただくなど(26日必着)ご協力をお願い申し上げます。


栄長泰明( 慶應義塾大学理工学部化学科)

〒223-8522 横浜市港北区日吉3-14-1
電話:045-566-1704 FAX:045-566-1697


Symposium Chairman

Yasuaki Einaga (Keio University)

Symposium Organizing Committee

Haruma Kawaguchi (Keio University, Leader of COE program)
Tetsuya Suzuki (Keio University)
Koji Suzuki (Keio University)
Mamoru Senna (Keio University)
Masatoki Ito (Keio University)
Yuri Suzuki (Keio University, Secretary)

This symposium is supported by NEDO international joint research program, “Electrochemical Application of Conductive Diamond Electrodes” and 21st Century COE KEIO-LCC (Life-Conjugated Chemistry) program.



March 30
Opening Remarks
Prof. Ichiro Inasaki
(Dean, Facutly of Science and Technology, Keio University)
Prof. Haruma Kawaguchi
(Leader of COE program, Keio University)
Prof. Akira Fujishima
(Leader of NEDO program, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology)
9:15-10.30 Chairperson: John C. Angus
Akira Fujishima
(Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, Japan)
“Recent Progress in Diamond Electrochemistry?Sensing Systems and Water Treatment.”
Christos Comninellis
(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland)
“Electrochemical Hydroxylation Using Boron Doped Diamond Anode.”
Su-Moon Park
(Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
“Electrochemical Oxidation of High Valence States on Boron-Doped Diamond Electrodes.”
10:45-12:20 Chairperson: Tetsuya Suzuki

Lars Hultman
(Institutionen for Fysik och Matteknik, Sweden)
“Fullerene-like Carbon Nitride Thin Solid Films.”

Jeffrey T. Glass
(Duke University, USA)
“A Review of Diamond-like Carbon for Biomedical Applications.”
Mamoru Senna
(Keio University, Japan)
“Chemical Aspects of Cluster Diamondon the Solid-State Reaction under Mechanical Stressing.”
Chairperson: Yuri V. Pleskov
  Naoji Fujimori
(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan)
“Toward Electrical Application of Diamond ? Advanced Diamond Device Project ?”
Tetsuya Suzuki
(Keio University, Japan)
“Gas Barrier Properties of Carbon Films Synthesized under Atmospheric Pressure.”
John C. Angus
(Case Western Reserve University, USA)
“Studies of the Surface Conductivity of Diamond: Effect of Temperature, pH, Humidity,and Surface Termination.”

Kensuke Honda
(Yamaguchi University, Japan)
“Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Reaction at Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes and Electroanalytical Application.”

Yasuaki Einaga
(Keio University, Japan)
“Electrochemical Properties of Modified Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes.”
Short presentation for posters
Chairperson: Yasuaki Einaga

Masatoki Ito (Keio University, Japan)
“The redox reactions on carbon-black supported platinum electrode surfaces studied by infrared reflection absorption supectroscopy”

Yanrong Zhang (Utsunomiya University, Japan)
“Electrocataly behaviour of Au nanoparticle deposited on oxygen-terminated boron-doped diamond electrodes for oxygen reduction in alkaline solution”

Vembu Suryanarayanan (Utsunomiya University, Japan)
“Amperonetric Determination of Sodium thiosulphate and Naproxen using Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes”

Takeshi Kondo (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
“Chlorine Evolution Reaction on Single-Crystal Homoepitaxial Diamond Electroded”

Kazuki Arihara (Central Japan Railway Company, Japan)
“Novel application of boron-doped diamond electrode to electrochemical generation of functional water”

Masahiko Ishikawa (Central Japan Railway Company, Japan)
“Electrolytic Oxidation of Aromatic Compound by Diamond Electrode”

Tribidasari A. Ivandini (Keio University, Japan)
“Electrochemical Oxidation of Insulin at Conductive Diamond Electrodes”

Eun-In Cho (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
“Effective Bioelectrochemical Detection with Au-nano particles deposited on PDMA coated BDD Electrode”

Eun-In Cho (Chungbuk National University, Korea)
“Microbicidal Effect of E. coli with Ozone Solution Electrochemically Generated at BDD Electrode”

Yoko Yamaguchi (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
“Electrochemical Treatment of Metal compound at Conductive Diamond Electrode~Fabrication for Metal Nano-Cluster~”

Masaya Magoori (Yamaguchi University, Japan)
“Direct modification of ruthenium complex on boron-doped diamond surface and application to the selective detection of oxalic acid in urine”

Rika Sato (Keio University, Japan)
“Electrochemical Properties of Platinum-implanted Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes”

Masanobu Chiku (Keio University, Japan)
“Characterization of vacuum annealed boron-doped diamond Electrode”

Takahiro Kubo (Keio University, Japan)
“Effects of Cluster Diamond on the Solid-State Mechanochemical Diels-Alder Reaction”

Hideyuki Kodama (Keio University, Japan)
“DLC coating inside PET bottles for novel package”

Yoshiaki Matsuoka (Keio University, Japan)
“DLC coatings for medical applications”

Hiroyuki Shiba (Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan)
“Electrochemical detection of uric acid in urine at BDD electrodes and the comparison with the uricase POD method”

Poster session
18:00-20:00 Banquet

March 31
Chairperson: Jeffrey T. Glass

Yuri V. Pleskov
(Russian Academy of Science, Russia)
“Vacuum-annealed Undoped Polycrystalline CVD Diamond: A Photoelectrochemical and Electrochemical-Impedace Study.”

Nicolaos Vatistas
(University of Pisa, Italy)
“Effluent Treatment with BDD Anodes: The Indirect Oxidation Effect.”
Claude Levy-Clement
(CNRS, France)
“Influence of the Cation Toward Nitrate Reduction at B-doped Diamond Electrode as Revealed by DEMS.”
Soo-Gil Park
(Chungbuk National University, Korea)
“Microbicidal Action and Application of Ozone Electrochemically Generated at BDD Electrodes.”
Chairperson: Christos Comninellis
  Tata N. Rao
(ARCI, India)
“Recent trends in diamond electrochemistry.”
Orawon Chailapakul
(Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
“The Use of As-grown, Anodized and Modified Boron-doped Diamond for the Electroanalysis.”
Ichizo Yagi
(Hokkaido University, Japan)
“B-doped Diamond Electrode as a Substrate for Electrochemistry of Metal Nanoclusters.”
12:05- Concluding Remarks
19:30- Dinner Cruise at Yokohama Bay.
You can enjoy Chinese Food and Jazz with a night view of Yokohama port

The pages were last updated on the 14th March 2004 by Yasuaki Einaga.
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University